The Sikh Manifesto 2024-2029

Section 1 – More effective representation of Sikhs in Parliament

Section 2 – Systematic collection and use of data on Sikhs by public bodies

Section 3 – Promoting a better understanding of the Sikh identity and Sikh way of life

Section 4 – Hate crimes targeting Sikhs and Sikh religious institutions

Section 5 – Improved education about Sikhi, Sikh history and safeguarding Sikh historical artefacts in the UK

Section 6 – Freedom of religion, the global rise of Hindu extremism and transnational repression by the Indian government

Section 7 – Release of Jagtar Singh Johal and permanent and unconditional release of other Sikh political prisoners from Indian jails

Section 8 – Independent public inquiry into the actions of the UK Government and its’ motivations for anti-Sikh measures in the 1980s in the UK pre and post the 1984 Sikh Genocide

Section 9 – International recognition of the 1984 Sikh Genocide and UN-led inquiry

Section 10 – Application of self-determination for the Sikhs

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